Please include basic booking details in your enquiry - let me know what dates and times suit you, and how long you would like to spend with me. This enables me to come back to you much more quickly and lock in our date than if we need to engage in email ping pong.
And, always be polite. Manners are intoxicating, and the more of a gentleman you are to me, the more fun you will have during our time together. A happy sex worker = a very, very satisfied customer!
If you love to kiss as much as I do, please make sure you are clean shaven and smooth for me. I have very soft, sensitive lady skin, and if you have rough stubble I won't be able to kiss you as passionately as I would like. If you don't mind so much about kissing, that's ok too.
Remember that all the services I provide are at my discretion, and depend on how comfortable I am with you, your hygiene, and your kindness. Politeness is knicker-loosening for me, and when it comes to hygiene, the cleaner you are, the dirtier I'll get.

Please take the time to read my website, before you make your initial contact with me. I want you to have the best experience possible and to ensure you have chosen the right woman to spend your time and money with. I have taken a lot of time and care to express myself fully and candidly, so that I spend time with ladies and gentlemen who are compatible with me. If you spend a few extra minutes reading, you will be familiar with my personality, rates, and services, and you will know that I am the right lady for you.